In the mind of a Writer

Archive for the ‘Supernatural’ Category

Refurbishing on good terms

I have been going through many different personal problems. . . my boyfriend and I of eight years decided to go our own ways. We just grew apart and wanted two different things. I hope he finds what and who he is looking for and is happy. . . I am genuine in my message. We have still decided to be friends.

I am also working on a short horror story for an anthology next year.

I have so far only finished 10 out of 25 flash fiction prompts. . . I know I wanted to finish them by the 15th, but I think I will try to give to the 20th. . . Which gives me about seven days to finish 15 prompts. . . you can read them and see the pictures (which I found from the Internet.) on my other blog. . . .
The current theme is Loki (from the Thor and Avenger movies).

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Next theme is Supernatural (the show and horror theme) Hopefully from Sept 20th to Oct 31st.

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I am not sure about NaNoWriMo this year. . . I am in the process of moving.



I got this off the forums on the NaNoWriMo site. They have their new setup, which is sweet and more modern. This year’s theme is video games.
If you want to add me as a writing buddy . . .

– What age range are you? 30’s (31 in December)

– Male, female, other? Female, the last time I checked.

– If 1 is 100% Masculine and 10 is 100% Feminine, what number would you rate yourself for your country/background? 6.5 (This is a very bizarre question; I have pieces of me that is tomboyish, and pieces of me that are girly. I am just me!)

– Country and/or Ethnicity (if you are comfortable telling this)? United States/ I’m a Caucasian German/Slovak/English/Scottish

– Myers Briggs Typology? I retook the test and it said that I am an ISTJ, which is so different from what I was in my school days ENTP. (Take test here:

– Are you a Highly Sensitive Person? Semi-sensitive (14 or higher was extremely sensitive. . . I was 12) (Take test here:

– What number of years have you participated in NaNoWriMo? 3: I won all 3

– Do you write books outside of NaNoWriMo? Yes, I am always writing.

– Did you write before you participated in your first NaNoWriMo? Yes.

– How long have you been writing fiction for? Give or take 20 years
And if before NaNoWriMo, what forms? Diaries, poetry, short stories, blogs, scripts, and eventually novels.

– Are you published officially (non-local magazines) and books (non-self-published/POD)? I have several interviews on blogs. I have two short stories published in some other works, but I do not have the links yet.

– What genre(s) do you usually write? Horror: paranormal/occult or paranormal-thriller

– What genre did you write for NaNoWriMo? Paranormal/Occult or Mystery/thriller

– Do you treat your characters as real/do they talk to you? Yes, my muses and characters fight a lot.

– Are you an Improviser/Discovery Writer, a Milestone writer (set out certain important events to hit without the detail), an Outliner, or mixed (if so, how?)? I created a basic outline for smaller projects. I will use larger and more detailed outlines and character profiles (sketches) for bigger projects.
b. What method did you use for NaNoWriMo? I start with an outline and then I write notes out before I do my daily word sprints.

– Do you believe in event-driven, character-driven or story-driven?
Event-driven- Events move the story. (Often misnomer as Plot-driven)
Character-driven- Characters move the story.
Story-driven- All aspects of the story are important in turn and can move the story.
90% of the time I am character driven; I feel without the characters you will not have a story.

– In what order do you write? Forwards, backwards, skip around or mixed? I usually start with the scene that is boiling in my head, just dying to get out. Then I work around that. (My vampire series has one book down and pieces of other books right now).

– Do you determine the ending first, later, or when you get there? I usually have a general idea where the ending is going. Ending a story is really hard for me.

– What do you feel is your weakest and strongest point in writing? Middle scenes are my strongest, endings are my weakest, and grammar is my kryptonite.

– What are you best and weakest at: beginnings, middles, endings? Best—middle; Worst—ends, after several weeks, month, even year my projects are like my babies.. . I get scare to see them stand on their own, just causes me to procrastinate my endings.

– What materials/programs do you like to use when writing? Black ball point bic pens, Spiral notebooks college rule if possible, and whatever computer I have it has to have some music and some program that I can save my work as a doc (word friendly).

– How many writing project do you have at one time? Usually I have at least three projects going at once.

– Where do you get your ideas? (The dreaded question writers frequently get.)
I get them from all kinds of places. My boyfriend and I broke up the first time, I got the vampire idea. My mystery book was caused by one of my fears: car accidents.)

– Why do you write? (The other frequently asked question to writers)
I am a story-teller first. (A writer like 8th, and editor 157th). To paraphrase Stephen King: I write version A for myself. I write version B for everyone else. I write a story that I think I would want to read. There is much of me in several of the characters . . . and other people I know in other characters, so it about expression as well. (Note: You will see more of me in “A” version of the story if you can get pass all of the grammar errors.)

– Do you research? If so when? before, during or after? If so, how much time will you spend on it? I have to say I do my majority of research before I write the scenes that need it. I also research while writing . . . all I know is that I usually have hours, almost days of research by the time the project is done. Then I continue to research when I edit and rewrite to make sure I got my fact right.

– Do you use primary (people who were there/experienced it), secondary (People who heard about it) or third-hand research (usually books, etc)? or mixed? If so, how much and how do you do it? Well, it depends on the subjects. I am writing a mystery novel that deals with car accident so I have talked to those who have been accidents, friends who are mechanics, and even watched other accidents on TV shows/documentaries and movies.

– For the Speculative Fiction/ Historical Fiction Crowd: If you world build, how much, when and how? I think that whether you make your own world or use history that you main character is in the center of that world. I really angle around the character and how they see the world.

– Are you a hobbyist, or doing this for publication? Or in the crowd of if you get an edited book that you’ll try to publish it? Would you like a career as an author? I do have a few of my book self-published through amazon and just search the name Rebekah Wolveire. (These are first editions, because I plan to edit them again.)
I would like to get a main stream for my vampire series and several other book of short stories I am working on.

– Would you publish your Nanowrimo for this year if you got it cleaned up? I do have a version of two of my books through because of NaNoWriMo. (Links to my books are at the bottom.)

– What books do you read inside of your genre? (Include authors please)
Genres: Horror: Occult/Paranormal
The Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice
The Fool’s Journey  by Kay Darling
The Shinning by Stephen King
Everything’s Eventual by Stephen King

Genre: Mystery
Ten Little Indians (And Then There were None) Agatha Christie (It goes by either title)
b. How many do you roughly own/read in your genre in a year? Less than I should. . . I know I should read more. I hate to admit this, but I have read more short stories than I have read novels.
c. What is the oldest book (as in publication date) you’ve read in your genre? Dracula by Bram Stoker
d. What is the one book/author you would recommend to a newbie reading your genre? If you are a true vampire fan Dracula by Bram Stoker and the Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice. (I have several blogs on how I am annoyed and against Twilight.) If you want to write about ghosts or working with devil, then I would suggest at least one of Stephen King’s books or short stories. (The Shinning, 1408, Riding the Bullet, The Stand etc)

– What Classics have you read and enjoyed and disliked (inside and outside of classes)? Include author please.
Ten Little Indians By Agatha Christie
Diary of Anne Frank
The Miracle Worker by Helen Keller
Romeo and Juliet, Caesar, Mid-Summer Night Dream by William Shakespeare

– What books do you read outside of your genre? (include authors)
Shakespeare’s works
Chicken Soup for the Soul
Stories from Reader’s Digest

– Would you have written this novel without NaNoWriMo? I’ve started several novels. I have written several novellas.

– And what does NaNoWriMo mean to you? One of the many reasons that I have two finished books: I believe that if I didn’t have the rewards and the extra push from NaNo, I would have not gotten two of my books done. It has allowed me to find groups of great and talent writers whom I can chat with and sprint with. They have been great support.

– What have you learned from NaNoWriMo (so Far)? I can’t just say what I have learned from NaNoWriMo in just a few sentences. (I have a writing blog my link is below. There are a lot of tips and things I have learned from NaNo and having beta readers.)

– Has writing a novel changed how you view authors and read novels? I now understand that a novel is not written overnight. You really need to love, because there are times it feels like work. (There are many times where I would rather soak in the bath or play Sims, but I tell myself I need to finish that scene or chapter. My boyfriend usually has to push me to end my projects.)

– If you were at a book signing and a person said to you, “Hey! I have a great idea for a book–you write it, edit it and all of that and then we go 50/50 on the profits. So what do you think?” What would you say to that person? (This does happen.)
I’ll be honest 90% of the time, I’m usually in the middle of at least 2-3 projects at a time (some my own, some are my boyfriend’s projects). Over half the time, I usually put too much on my plate, so I wouldn’t have time to do more projects.
However I would suggest that they try NaNoWriMo, or Camp NaNo, because they may find writing groups that will work with them. (Hint: when you want to work with someone else or a group, you need to make sure that you don’t have too many “A” personality types. . . aggressive leaders, because there will be too much arguing and not enough process. You also need to agree on a voice and a style and try to be constant or at least do so when editing.)
I also work better by myself. (I tend to get frustrated working with others. My boyfriend and I bump heads all of the time.)

– What’s more offensive to you: prejudiced slurs or the 4-letter and one three-letter swear words? I’m more offended at someone calling someone stupid or saying that they can’t when they haven’t even tried. (I use cuss words, as for prejudiced slurs, we all have some like of slur . . . it’s

– If Chris Baty (who started Nanowrimo) and Chris Angotti (who currently runs the Program Director portion) got into a brawl with each other over an authentic flying pig, who would you vote to win? Keep in mind Heather Dudley (Forum Moderator) is your local electorate… I’m sorry, I didn’t play favorites when my friends or brothers would fight, I am not picking a side now. I’m playing Switzerland.

My links

My Facebook page
writing blog (I have a lot of tips for writing and NaNoWriMo on this site.)
: http://www.twitter.comRebekahWolveire
Whispering Path E-copy
The Whispering Path Paperback
you want to beta read and/or edit my first vampire novel Melzela, please message me.)
Or  (Melzela first edition)


What I learned from Beta Readers so far. . .

It’s a little over half way through my beta readers to finish their copies of the first book of my vampire Crimson Shadow Collection Melzela.  (September 1, 2013).
I first sent it on June 20th and I have been sending a few here and there. However I have decided that that I am cutting off beta readers as of Sunday (August 4, 2013) at 4pm (EST). (This means that I after the fourth I am not accepting anymore readers, so if you are interested in a vampire novel, please message me by Sunday at 4. . . use subject beta reader.)

I want to thank those who have read my book. I also want give my appreciation in advance to those who will read my book and send their feedback.

I just want to point out that I was seeking feedback on story flow, characters, and whether the story was interesting or boring. I wanted to know if it was written to straight or did it have enough twists and turns. (I wasn’t really asking for grammar mistakes, but if the beta readers saw something, they were allowed to point it out.)


Some things I have learned. . .

Do not take the feedback personally. (Not everyone is going to enjoy your work. I think of a book like a cookie recipe. . .  some people like chocolate chips, some like peanut butter, and your cookie maybe an iced sugar cookie.)

I am just happy when I know that another person read my book. I understand that they may not like a certain part of the book. I understand they many people have different tastes than I do. I am just happy that they turned page after page and read my book.


Appreciate any feedback you even if it was something as simple as “I liked the story.” They took the time to read your story.

I really do appreciate those who take their time and really give me feedback. (I especially love when they use page numbers and examples. However not all beta readers will do that and it’s okay.)
I just want the beta readers to know I do take all feedback into consideration. However I may not use all of the feedback. I may not change the character or a twist in the plot.



Melzela is Finished. . Seeking Beta Readers


 Do you like vampires? Do you want a new book to read over the summer? Do you want your opinion to considered?


I am still seeking more beta readers for my book called Melzela. It is book one of my vampire series Crimson Shadow Collection.


Quote: There are four point six billion people living in the world today in the year of two thousand eight after the death of Christ. There are possibly hundreds perhaps even thousands of vampires dotting the landscape of the human world. This is the story of about seventy five or so of them. These are the stories of my sire Melzela and, her prodigy



Here is a book Blurb:

Her mother told her epic stories, Melzela never thought she would be one!  She never thought she would travel, or be a spy. All she knew was she would do anything to find true love.  She left her family seeking the love and passion she had heard in her mother’s stories.

She ran into friends who would change her life. She showed them how to be street smart, and they demonstrated a love that she had never known. In her quest for love, she was transformed:  she was made to stay in the shadows and travel by the moon. She had to take life to keep living. She wasn’t going to allow the obstacles to stray her from her journey.

This was only the beginning of Melzela’s story. This was her personal piece.


If you are interested please message on my facebook page or e-mail me (use subject: Beta Reader)

Seeking Beta Readers forBook1 of Vampire Series

As of June 20th, (date will change based on my editing schedule), I plan to be seeking beta readers for the first book of my vampire series called The Crimson Shadow Collection. Book 1 is called Melzela.  I will only have it in pdf format (unless you want to pay for a paperback copy from createspace).

I am seeking between 25 to 100 beta readers for this book.  I am very serious about this book, and I will not accept beta readers unless they promise to send feedback. (Please give me more feedback then just my grammar needs improvement. I understand my grammar isn’t the best. Okay, I would be lucky if I got a C for grammar on my novels. However I am looking for things like . . .
 Are the characters believable?
 Can you relate to or like any of the characters?
 Are there any pieces that just don’t make sense?
Does the story flow? Is the story interesting?
 From 1 to 5, 5 being best, how would you rate my novel? I will plan out more questions for beta readers. You can answer them, or just use them as a guide.  ) I am really hoping to continue working on the other books, but I would like to eventually get this series mainstream published.  I really need some serious beta readers. Please message me on facebook or e-mail me with the subject Beta Reader.

New Story Review Corner

I had an idea. . . I was thinking of making a small review corner on my writing blog. I have been reading the book The Marshall Plan for Novel Writing and it says to read my genre. However I have learned I write in several genres: Paranormal; Occult; Vampire; thriller; drama; and mostly Horror. My favorite authors are Anne Rice and Stephen King.

What I was thinking was to read short stories or pieces of novels and give them reviews on my blog. I thought that if maybe I review a few others, then others would see and they could review as well. When I ask for feedback, I want to know if my characters are likable, and relatable. I want to know if my story is actually interesting. As a story-teller and writer, I basically want to know am I really bringing written art to the world or am I just wasting time? I want to know if there are others who want to read my work.


Fellow Writers. . . what I need for a review

  1. Title
  2. Pen name (Name you are publishing with)
  3. A link to the title, e-mail, or place where others can get your work.
  4. Webpages or other way that other people can ask questions about your work


  • I want no more than 50 computer pages 8×11.  No more than 25,000 words
    (If it part of a novel, then send me up 50 pages of most interesting part.)
  • You can add a picture. (No more than what wordpress allows, my blog is on word press)


This is how I plan to write my review.

  1. Title and author
  2. I want to write as little as one to two or as much as four to five sentences of summary.
  3. Then I will write some about the character/dialogue.
  4. Then I will write something about the storyline.
  5. Extra notes: if it made me emotional or I was able to relate. If it has adult material I would mention it here.
  6. Rating of 1to 5 pages. (5 pages is like 5 stars or a grade of an A.)
  7. Link to actual story.


If you are interested please message me at or go to my facebook page

Blog Hop: Ten Interview Questions for The Next Big Thing

 I’d like to thank author, K.D. Emerson, of Digitus 233 for tagging me in the Next Big Thing Blog tour. Her blog is ( ) Check out the latest events with Master Koda as well.


Ten Interview Questions for The Next Big Thing: Rebekah Wolveire author of Crimson Shadow Collection: Book 1 Melzela


What is the working title of your book?
I am writing a seven book series I’m calling Crimson Shadow Collection. There are about 75 vampires and this is the series is about their lives. I have been working on the set-up of this series since 2008-2009. The title of the first book is Crimson Shadow Collection: Book 1 Melzela. (It can be shorted to just Melzela.)

Where did the idea come from for the book?
Well, it’s a really long story, but I thought of the idea when I was sick with mono and my boyfriend and I were on a temporary break. I missed him and he always had a love for vampires and it was my way of being close to him. However once I was well and we got back together, the series took on a life of it’s own. Melzela is just the main vampire from which all of the many descendant come.

What genre does your book fall under?
The entire Crimson Shadow Series is about vampires, so it is horror and occult: vampire.

Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?
Melzela would be played by an young actress that has similar features as to Angelina Jolie. (I would love to Ms. Jolie, but my characters is permanently 20 years old.)
I actually have actors inspired for each of my characters.

What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?
Melzela was abused and neglected by her family, in which she finds determination, and hope in herself to seek true love and after a blood ritual back fires, she is made a child of the blood lust.

Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?
I hope to find an agent and get this book mainstream published. (If anyone knows any agents or publishers that are interested in monstrous vampire novels, please leave a comment on post me a message on facebook.)

How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?
It took several years, because I was afraid of someone stealing my ideas. This year wanted to get a push so I made sure I finished it with NaNoWriMo 2012. I started it in 2008-2012, that is about four years. I hope to work on a vampire novel, one per year now; if I need NaNoWriMo as push, I will use it.

What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?
I will first stay, yes Melzela is looking for love, but this is nothing like Twilight.
Melzela was created at the time of Christ, which when the families would tell you who you married. She was fighting against that.
She was a woman of street; she needed to make a way to survive. This has a lot of adult themes.
The entire series is more like Anne Rice’s vampires and true blood mixed together. I also believe that my vampire would take a nightly stroll with the great Dracula himself.

Who or What inspired you to write this book?
My best friend from high school was always into vampires (she was a Rice fan.) My boyfriend also showed his passionate and love for the children of the night. How could I not want to embrace them too?

What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest?
This is just the first book out of seven: I honestly think there is at least one vampire everyone would be interested in. Melzela was young woman who just wanted the fairy tale love to be true.


I am tagging the following people.

Marguerite Arotin

Mary Jo Lovallo

Tameka Armstrong

Amy Stewart

Mike Podgor

Rachel Snitzer

Vampire Character Sketch


1. Human name:
Vampire name:
Birth Location:
Current Location:
Birth Date:
Age at human death:
Creation date:
Date of Death:
Type of Death:
Who caused death?
Leader (creator):
Hair Color:
Eye Color:

Inspired by?
Extra Notes:

The character sketch just helps you get the idea of person’s personality and what happened to them. This is a bit mixed up, but you can always organized it, add to it or subtract it based on your vampires. (It kind of works for werewolves and zombies too.)

My 2012 NaNoWriMo Projects

 It is almost that time again. . . the time where I forget most of the world and work constantly on my writing projects. This time is known a NaNoWriMo. . . National Novel Writing Month. I’m excited as I have been waiting all year to lock myself up for several hours a day doing sprint after word sprint slowly allowing my story to come together.
I love it when my characters and my muses just agree, and I just allow the story to come to life. I appreciate my boyfriend being so patient with me during all of this and now this year he has idea and wants to work too. (Now I realized I will have to share the computer, so I will have to really schedule myself and use all the time I have with the computer very wisely.)

I am nervous and excited; I have to challenge myself to keep my writing with so many hours and I gave myself two projects. I am rebelling on both as I have already started writing on both, but I know I can get 50K on each project.

Project 1: Driving Lies, a thrilling novel I started last year about a murderer who kills off a family that ruined his life. I have about five chapters in Part 2 to finish and all of Part 3. However my outline from last year is so precise that I should be able to just dive into the deep end and start writing. (It started a movie script I wrote in high school.)

Project 2: The Crimson Shadow Collection: Melzela, is book one of seven in my vampire series. I have a huge story-line about a family of about 75 vampires. I feel you need to bring the horror, seduction, and the power back into the children of the night. (I have been working on this idea from the character sketches, outlines, and family trees since before the first Twilight movie has come out. I feel that NaNoWriMo is going to be that push to get at least one of the book finished. I wanted this book from page 1 to end on my computer before Dec 31, 2012 and if I play my cards right I will get it done a month early.)

Fantasy Writers: Try this

For anyone writing fantasy this might interest you.

Have you ever been stuck on a character? Or do you feel you need a change but you’re not sure how? My suggestion for you is play Dungeons and Dragons (also known as D&D). It doesn’t matter if you are writing about elves, dragons, fairies, gnomes, trolls, wizards, rangers, and the list goes on, D&D helps with abilities and stats of these beings and if you have problems deciding on who you can be just roll the dice.


My boyfriend Tom got a game going with my brothers and I. He made his own world with 3 large continents and many cities with dungeons and temples on each. We even recreated a city that was destroyed. (He uses D&D books 3.5 more as guidelines and ideas for his campaign.)

My character is named Scarlet and she started 18 and level 1 wizard. She was 5’7” with red hair and was thin. She was human wizard, who was really weak and clumsy at first. She own a license to drive an airship and yet she had never driven one. Tom’s character was elf rogue who hung out with a elf ranger (my 13 year old brother) and human fighter/druid (my 17 year old brother.) They found my character in an airship crash, and I helped them fix a city. Then we stuck together and we went exploring. We worked for and against some kings and pissed off some higher wizards. We defeated different dragons and other creatures. We even helped Bahamut ascend to godhood. We crushed a guild of a assassins. We each have our own dragon; my dragon is white and I can communicate with all of the dragons. They had saved my lives a lot of times and I’ve given them magic items.

However now after 2 years of this campaign and my character is level 14 wizard doing level 9 spells and I have feats that allow me not to use material or having to work with the spell books. Now I am not just human, but I am race called dragonsoul because I have the soul of a white dragon and an air elemental. I have white hair, and scaly skin around my wings. I can fly and control 80% of the wind. This was because I had the spell Vampiric Touch and I took too much power. There is such thing as an overkill and it can cause serious changes.

My favorite spells was the Magnificent Mansion where I magically make a door appear (based on my concentration and my die 20 roll.) It leads to a state of the art house where we can hang out and hide to rest up. We can repair weapons, sleep, eat (full fridge) or whatever else we can/ need to do.



You can play this game on-line. However some dungeon masters can be very strict to what the books tell you. They can also make the game as big or small or simple or complicated as they want.

Play Online

Wiki has it own D&D site:

Main web site

Dice rolling sites

On a side note: Dungeons and Dragons has nothing to do with Satanism or suicide. It promotes working as a group to accomplish a goal and to use one’s imagination.