In the mind of a Writer

Archive for September, 2015

My muses are still on vacation. . . Eh

I’ve been having serious issues with writing this year. . . last year I had over a quarter of a million words written, but this year I can barely get ten thousand a month. I could get through Camp NaNo in April.


I know I want to write. . . screw it, I need to write. I just feel like my muses went on a long vacation, and my character will not talk directly to me. They only talk when my muses are around; it’s like they need the middle man to tell their stories.

Maybe I need more or new inspiration. . .


Maybe I need a vacation (laughs).


Maybe I just need the right song. . .

Whatever it is I hope it comes back in November.


It’s crazy I have all of these ideas stuck in my head, and yet I can’t not get them out. . . it’s like they are in suspended animation. However I did notice if an idea slips out that I am usually at my busiest moment. . . always happens. (I’m trying to stay busy. . . sometimes so busy I cannot write.)
I feel like my brain is a dusty attic where the light only works when it wants to, and everything is in boxes covered with at least an inch of dust and cobwebs. I need to get inspired. . . fix the damn light and clean the dust and cobwebs. But how?

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I hope my brain gets more active before and during NaNoWriMo. That is why I am writing prompts. . . on my other account

Loki Prompt Challenge. . . ending

I have gotten at least ten out of twenty-five of the Loki Challenge done. I wanted more, but with family and personal issues, it just didn’t happen. Sometimes Life just gets in the way of my writing. . . it happens.

Starting September 21st until October 31 st. Then NaNoWriMo.  . . . I am starting a Supernatural horror theme. . . I am giving myself the goal of 20 posts. . . Supernatural (Show) or horror themed.

40 Days of Horror

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I will post these prompts on

Refurbishing on good terms

I have been going through many different personal problems. . . my boyfriend and I of eight years decided to go our own ways. We just grew apart and wanted two different things. I hope he finds what and who he is looking for and is happy. . . I am genuine in my message. We have still decided to be friends.

I am also working on a short horror story for an anthology next year.

I have so far only finished 10 out of 25 flash fiction prompts. . . I know I wanted to finish them by the 15th, but I think I will try to give to the 20th. . . Which gives me about seven days to finish 15 prompts. . . you can read them and see the pictures (which I found from the Internet.) on my other blog. . . .
The current theme is Loki (from the Thor and Avenger movies).

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Next theme is Supernatural (the show and horror theme) Hopefully from Sept 20th to Oct 31st.

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I am not sure about NaNoWriMo this year. . . I am in the process of moving.