In the mind of a Writer

Archive for the ‘Goals’ Category

RIP Rebekah Wolveire

I just want to say… Over the last eight years I’ve written a lot, edited a lot, and worked hours under the penname Rebekah Wolveire.
. . . and I have laughed, cried, argued with my Characters.
I had a goodtime; however, all of my written work will now be written by penname: Rebekah Quinne
RIP Rebekah Wolveire
Welcome Rebekah Quinne

Things coming in 2016

I’m so eager!

2016 is going to be awesome! Goals: More writing, more art, and more blogging!

On New Years eve-day I will reveal my new penname and new blog. I have it setup as you read this…

Yes, electrifying things are happening for 2016! I hope you are as enthusiastic as I am…

  • I hope to release two books this year.
  • I hope to get back into a serious writing schedule.
  • I hope to have a yearly word count of 500,000. A half of a million words by December 3l, 20l6-
  • I will constantly try to keep writing!
  • I also hope to send out encouragement to my fellow writers.

The past year (2015) has been hellish (my supportive family has helped me through it, and I am ever so grateful!)

I am determined to make 2016 a great year!

I hope you are making goals and meeting them in 2016. I wish you all the best! Happy Reading! Happy writing!

The New Me

2015 is going to be a year of getting rid of the old, so 2016 can be getting ready for the new. From this point on until Dec 31, I will getting rid of negative, old things in my life that do not mean anything anymore.

I am doing a few things new year. . . like a new pen name. I will still be Rebekah, but I found out that Wolveire is more related to wolverine or wolf than vampire. I also got that surname from my ex . . . so I think I am going my own route and culture seeking a pen name. I use a pen name simply to keep my writing life and personal life separate.

I have had horrible writer’s block this year. I hope that next year my muses, character, and plot bunnies will want their stories heard. 

As for NaNoWriMo, I was trying to work on a memoir, but things happened and I ended up working on a previous project. I am at 44.4K, right now and I plan to get the 5.6 K finished before November 30th. It is very probable.

I have learned that things can easily distract me. . . cleaning, family, art, Netflix, facebook, youtube, experience project, google, health issues etc
Well, these distractions have helped and hindered me. However I am determined next year to minimize these distractions. Without these distractions, I would have written more prompts in October.

I have been very grateful this year, even though it has not turned out the way that I want it. Here is a list of things I am grateful for. . .

NaNoWriMo Starts in 8 days. . .

It is just over a week before NaNoWriMo starts I am working on notes. . . I am working on memoir. . . I know I am rebelling because they prefer fictional pieces. However I know I am going on with a new chapter in my life, and I am using NaNoWriMo as therapy this year. A memoir is a collection of events or memories. . .

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***NO CANADA RIGHTS*** UK SALES: Contact: Caroline (44) 207 431 1598 - Must Byline EROTEME.CO.UK Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles shoot scenes for 'Supernatural' in New Westminster EXCLUSIVE         December 09, 2010 Job: 101209P3             Vancouver, Canada

UK SALES: Contact: Caroline (44) 207 431 1598 – Must Byline EROTEME.CO.UK
Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles shoot scenes for ‘Supernatural’ in New Westminster
EXCLUSIVE December 09, 2010
Job: 101209P3 Vancouver, Canada

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I need closure on a lot of elements on my life. I am not sure if I will publish this piece or not, but if I find something interesting, I plan to post it. I also plan to do crafts and such, so I am will try my best to get 1667 to 2000 words a day.

I want to be read to move on by January 1st, 2016.

Just write

My muses are still on vacation. . . Eh

I’ve been having serious issues with writing this year. . . last year I had over a quarter of a million words written, but this year I can barely get ten thousand a month. I could get through Camp NaNo in April.


I know I want to write. . . screw it, I need to write. I just feel like my muses went on a long vacation, and my character will not talk directly to me. They only talk when my muses are around; it’s like they need the middle man to tell their stories.

Maybe I need more or new inspiration. . .


Maybe I need a vacation (laughs).


Maybe I just need the right song. . .

Whatever it is I hope it comes back in November.


It’s crazy I have all of these ideas stuck in my head, and yet I can’t not get them out. . . it’s like they are in suspended animation. However I did notice if an idea slips out that I am usually at my busiest moment. . . always happens. (I’m trying to stay busy. . . sometimes so busy I cannot write.)
I feel like my brain is a dusty attic where the light only works when it wants to, and everything is in boxes covered with at least an inch of dust and cobwebs. I need to get inspired. . . fix the damn light and clean the dust and cobwebs. But how?

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I hope my brain gets more active before and during NaNoWriMo. That is why I am writing prompts. . . on my other account

Loki Prompt Challenge. . . ending

I have gotten at least ten out of twenty-five of the Loki Challenge done. I wanted more, but with family and personal issues, it just didn’t happen. Sometimes Life just gets in the way of my writing. . . it happens.

Starting September 21st until October 31 st. Then NaNoWriMo.  . . . I am starting a Supernatural horror theme. . . I am giving myself the goal of 20 posts. . . Supernatural (Show) or horror themed.

40 Days of Horror

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I will post these prompts on

Refurbishing on good terms

I have been going through many different personal problems. . . my boyfriend and I of eight years decided to go our own ways. We just grew apart and wanted two different things. I hope he finds what and who he is looking for and is happy. . . I am genuine in my message. We have still decided to be friends.

I am also working on a short horror story for an anthology next year.

I have so far only finished 10 out of 25 flash fiction prompts. . . I know I wanted to finish them by the 15th, but I think I will try to give to the 20th. . . Which gives me about seven days to finish 15 prompts. . . you can read them and see the pictures (which I found from the Internet.) on my other blog. . . .
The current theme is Loki (from the Thor and Avenger movies).

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Next theme is Supernatural (the show and horror theme) Hopefully from Sept 20th to Oct 31st.

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I am not sure about NaNoWriMo this year. . . I am in the process of moving.

April 2014 so far. . .

What is going on. . .

Many of my online friends, who are writers, know that Camp NaNo just begun. I would love to start my second book of my vampire series, but I’m editing last year’s NaNoWriMo project so I can get the proof from createspace and get the final edit before June 30th. (This year we get two copies for only the fee of shipping.) (I also know I probably will not reach 50,000 words, between researching houses for my boyfriend, researching for book 2 of my vampire series, editing several projects, reading, and blogging etc., so I decided I just cannot do Camp NaNo this year.)

I don’t want to stop writing: I wrote over 100,000 words in the first quarter of 2014. . . I would love to keep it up, so I am writing blogs, short stories, story reviews. . . so if you have a short story preferably in the horror, suspense, occult, paranormal, or drama genres. (Please no Twilight fan fiction). I am willing to read your sent stories, and post an review. (If your story is not one of those genres, but you still want me to read, please just message me. My information is on the contact page.)

It is also the first time that I have decided to scrap a project. . . it was a short story about one of my ex’s. I think I have just changed too much as a person and a writer than to continue the way, I had been going with that story. . . However I think if I do write a story for closure. . . I will make sure I do it in one setting. . . that is why I never finished it, I kept saying I would finish it in another setting and it never happened. It’s been over five years since I had written it, (a lot has happened to me in five years. . .) However I cannot stand not finishing things. . . maybe it’s OCD. . . maybe it’s a just a closure issue. However very rarely do I not finish something that I start. (A piece of me feels like I have failed by not finishing, but I just cannot go back to that part of myself. . . it’s like a dark, dry place of land that will not grow new, valuable ideas.) Does anyone feel like this?

My goals for this month. . .

1. Write at least 25 blogs between this blog, my personal blog, and my spiritual blog
2. Edit Driving Lies Part 1
3. Get Proof for Driving Lies Part 1
4. Get some sleep
5. Work on some short stories

Happy Writing in 2014

Happy New Year! I’ve had some Internet problems or I would have had this posted a few weeks ago.
I hope my fellow writers are fiercely writing or researching for Camp NaNo (in April).
This year I do not want to make my writing an afterthought like I felt happen in 2013. I want to be able to write as much as I can, even if I have to take a notebook everywhere I go. (It’s only been 15 days into the month and so far I have written 17,120 words)

My New Year Goals

1. Write something everyday
2. Finished several projects (list below)
3. Work several new projects (list below)
4. Post at least two blogs a month (writing and personal blogs)
5. Read more (post suggestions: I prefer Paranormal/occult: No Twilight)
6. Work on Prompts
7. Therapy writing (writing straight out of my head)
8. Make monthly goals
9. Edit several Projects
10. Work on Characters for my vampire novel series: Crimson Shadow Collection

Projects to Finish

1. Darken Cake (Short Story)
2. He Said, She Said (Short Story)
3. Driving Lies (end)
4. Book 13
5. Blood Bound (Short Story)
6. College Story (Novel)
7. Dragon Story (Novel)

New Projects

1. Recipe Book
2. Urban Legend (book of Short stories)
3. More short stories
4. The Dice project
5. The Whispering Path Book 2
6. Crimson Shadow Collection Book 2: Daris (Title in progress)
7. Book of Confessions/ Karma (Short Stories)

Projects to Edit

1. Crimson Shadow Collection Book 1: Melzela
2. The Whispering Path Book 1
3. Driving Lies Part 1
4. Driving Lies Part 2
5. Driving Lies 3
6. Short Stories
7. All projects that I finish

January Goals

1. Writing every day
2. Make lists/goals
3. Work on Dice project (I will have a blog post on the Dice project)
4. Review my previous work
a. Melzela
b. The Whispering Path
c. Driving Lies
5. Get Inspired/ Find new ways to be inspired

My NaNoWriMo Plan for 2013

My NaNoWriMo Plan for 2013


First of all, I have three goals:
 1. Finish the Novella series I started NaNoWriMo 2011 called Driving Lies (Read below for details)

2. Finish two short stories I have been working on since before 2007: “He Said She Said” and “Darken Cake”

3. Work on Book 2 on my vampire series.


Extra things I want to do. . .

Edit: Book 1 Melzela and my paranormal book The Whispering Path


Normally in NaNoWriMo I would take an idea, create character profiles, outline in October and then in November write like crazy. However this year I am working on a project that been three year in the making. (It is actually is actually over ten years since this story idea started as a movie script I was writing in high school. I keep putting in on the back burner while I edit or write other pieces.) This makes me a rebel.

My muses and the characters have really made the story progress. . . first it was a script, and then it was an idea for novel with three parts that was written in two different perspectives. The novel eventually got too long, so I made into three novellas.


It is about a man with mechanical skills who takes his revenge on car accidents. He takes out those who get in his way. He destroyed most of Neve’s family, and when she found out it was him, she decided to get her own revenge.


My biggest goal is to finish the story Part 3, I just hope I get 50,000 words doing it.